Friday, April 13, 2012

Chinny’s Sausage Hash

What you need
- Potatoes (diced)
- Chicken sausage (sliced)
- Red & green pepper (diced)
- Eggs (lightly beaten)
- Onion (chopped)
- Butter 

- Chicken seasoning spice (any that you like)
- Italian ready herbs
- White pepper
- 1 tablespoon of chilli sauce
- ½ to 1 teaspoon of salt; adjust to your own taste preference
- 1 tablespoon of water

- Boil the potatoes in a pot of water for 10mins and drain it
- Wash with tap water to stop cooking process, set aside
- Melt the butter in your HCP
- Saute the onion till golden brown
- Add in the chicken sausage slices and cook till for 8mins
- Add in the seasoning
- Cook the red & green pepper for another 5mins and stir in the eggs

Serve hot!

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