Monday, April 5, 2010

Julie & Julia

I watched this movie called Julie & Julia a couple of weeks back. Alone. Yes alone. Starring Amy Adams & Meryl Streep, it was a simple heart-warming story about this lady Julia Child (Meryl Streep) who started a cookbook from her passion back in 1949. Julie Powell (Amy Adams) started a blog in 2002 as a challenge to cook all the recipes in Julia Child's first recipes cookbook. Their lives intertwined somehow...both were housewives and found their passion and way to success - with faith and perseverance and the support of their loving husbands and friends.

Looking at the life of Julie Powell(the modern lady), I was sudden engulfed in tears. As she challenge herself to cook all the recipes in Julia's cookbook, her husband was always there supporting her. The way he eats her food, oh my, it's just amazing. Hahaha..i've always lurved cooking, but my hubby being so sooo far away (yea i know it's only KL but to me it's still farrrr away) I can't really have the chance to do this anymore. When he's back, we will always be running around meeting relatives or friends for catching up. So I'm left with not much chances to cook for my loved one. Sighs. Looking at Julie cooking (not just for her husband but trying out the recipes) with the hub enjoying the food so much, I really really envy her. And of course whipping up some nice dishes and getting friends over for mini cosy gathering, that's just something I would very much like to do. I would very much lurve to have my VERY OWN SELF-DESIGNED kitchen where I can try out different dishes and who knows create new dishes. But I seriously wonder when that day will ever come.

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